What is Palinka?

Palinka is popular for its powerful flavor, potency, and fragrance. With an ABV (Alcohol by Volume) of 40 – 80%, it’s enjoyed by Hungarians as a proper way to either start or end a meal.

Palinka holds a unique status in Hungary, where legislation permits every individual to distill up to 86 liters of pálinka per year for personal consumption, completely tax-free. This allowance underscores the cultural significance of palinka, allowing Hungarians to continue the traditional craft of home distillation without the burden of taxation.

In 2002 palinka was recognised by the EU as a Hungaricum, and according to the law LXXIII of 2008, AKA “pálinka law”, an alcoholic beverage may be called palinka if:
palinka tulip glass and fruit
It is typically made by fermenting sweet and juicy fruits like plums, apples, apricots, peaches, pears, and cherries. The process is considered precious to Hungarians, it can take up to weeks at a time from picking fruits to bottling product. After the fruit is collected, they are placed into barrels and mixed with sugar. Water may be added when using certain fruits like apples that are not quite as juicy on their own.
The fruit mixture is left in the barrels for four to seven weeks and is stirred on a daily basis to make sure all of the flavors are mixing together. As the weeks go by, the fruit eventually makes its way to the bottom of the barrel, giving you the clear, fruity notes that distinguish Palinka.
The mixture is then heated on a low temperature in a distilling pot that is connected with a pipe to another pot used for cooling the liquor. It is then distilled twice, which explains the strong alcohol content mentioned before.

Know your Palinka!

Based on the factors involved in the process of making palinka, the following varieties are distinguished:

palinka factory pot

"Kisüsti" - Small pot

is a double-distilled palinka made in a copper pot not exceeding a volume of 1000 litres.

palinka barrels

"Érlelt" - Aged

is a palinka aged for at least three months in a wooden cask smaller than 1000 litres, or for at least six months in a wooden cask of 1000 litres or above.

palinka barrels

"Ó" - Old

is a palinka aged for at least 12 months in a wooden cask smaller than 1000 litres, or for at least 24 months in a wooden cask of 1000 litres or above.

palinka fruit bed

"Ágyas" - Bedded

is a palinka aged for at least three months together with fruit. The fruit can be of the same sort used to obtain the distillate or of another sort. To 100 liters of pálinka at least 10 kg of ripe or 5 kg of dried fruit must be added.


"Törköly" - Pomace

is palinka made from grape pomace. It’s actually one of the oldest types of palinka and it supposedly helps digestion and is usually consumed in small quantities after meals. Very popular, typically drunk in wine-producing regions.

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